Jacqueline Murray

Jacqueline Murray

Jacqueline Murray is a Marketing Strategist for DardenLentz, a B2B Marketing and Branding Agency focused on healthcare and technology. Jacqueline heads the firm's Ohio office, established to support the region's bioscience industry. She has held senior positions with global marketing responsibilities for both diagnostic and medical device companies.
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Why It's NOT Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing

Jacqueline Murray
Posted by Jacqueline Murray on May 22, 2014 3:16:00 PM

There’s always great excitement for the next new shiny marketing tactic.  There’s a tendency to drop the “old ways” and chase after the next big thing.  Inbound marketing has been gaining momentum as the “new marketing” method and some are proclaiming that outbound marketing is dead.  However, the prediction for the demise of outbound marketing, especially in B2B marketing, is exaggerated. For most organizations a well-rounded marketing strategy includes a mix of inbound and outbound tactics.

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What is Inbound Marketing?

Jacqueline Murray
Posted by Jacqueline Murray on May 5, 2014 2:33:00 PM
Skeptical of the buzz words marketing and branding agencies come up with? Is inbound marketing one of those trendy buzz words or is it really “something”? 
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